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With fourMulator we created a digital quad-LFO-module for the Eurorack-modular standard offering a lot more than typical cyclic modulations. Because of the individual modulators (LFOs) ability to sync to a common master clock, you are able to both create individual sound movements or complex and rhythmical modulation structures.

The modulators

Every LFO offers a choice of six wave forms: ascending or descending saw tooth, square, triangle, sine and a random curve (Sample & Hold). These oscillate in frequencies between 0.05Hz (20 seconds) and approximately 100Hz fast enough for sonic alienation of oscillators, filters and VCAs. Each modulator offers individual wave-form- and trigger-outputs. The latter output a trigger impulse with every restart of the wave form. In addition, individual reset- and CV-inputs allow adding further manipulations from externally or within fourMulator.


The four modulator sections work independently generally, but may be synchronized to a clock-signal.
Two or more synchronized modulators oscillate at the same frequency, but not necessarily at identical phase. A synced modulator may be shifted by up to 180 a half-cycle – to its neighbor. This way, you may easily create counter-rotating modulations. And by using the CV-inputs for phase modulation, even more complex structures become possible.
When being synchronized to a clock, the modulators oscillate with defined but adjustable clock divisions to the reference. Here too, being able to modulate the dividers by a control-voltage, highest-level versatility is guaranteed.
Both sync-modes can finally be combined. This way, you may synchronize one modulator to a reference clock, while it simultaneously serves as a master for its right neighbor.

CLOCK generator (CLK)

fourMulator has a clock-generator integrated. Its tempo can be set by using the TAP-button but also by using an external clock reference.


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