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American-style Floor-based Guitar Preamp

The Two Notes Le Clean electric guitar tube preamplifier pedal is engineered to move your electric guitar rig to the floor. This tube-driven device boasts two independent preamps that are footswitchable and can also be blended together to taste. These preamps get their sound from vintage American amp tones. A free download of Wall of Sound III speaker simulation software gives you the high-quality sound of a full guitar rig. And there is a ton of I/O onboard the Le Clean preamp pedal for MIDI, running direct, headphones, and so much more.

  • Dual independent American-style preamps
  • Wall of Sound III
  • A powerful set of I/O options

Dual independent American-style preamps

The heart and soul of the Le Clean are the two fully independent and footswitchable tube preamps. These preamps are voiced to give you the character of classic American tones from Southern California. Preamp A is the cleanest of the two, while preamp B adds more grit to the sound, nailing those Texas blues tones. The two footswitches let you select either sound or blend them together to taste in Fusion mode for a cranked-up tweed experience.

Wall of Sound III

Along with these great-sounding preamps, you’ll receive a free download of Two Notes’ Wall of Sound III speaker-cab simulation software. Highly regarded in the industry, you’ll be able to send Le Clean’s tones direct to the board with your choice of simulated speaker cabinets, microphones, and tube power amplifiers. Wall of Sound III also lets you mix and match cabinets and microphones, and position the mics to get your optimal tone. Running into an amp live? Just push the SPKR SIM button and defeat the simulation.

A powerful set of I/O options

The Le Clean preamp pedal boasts enough I/O to integrate easily and quickly into even the most complicated of electric guitar rigs. An effects loop lets you place your time-based stompboxes after the preamp. The DI Output is optimal for sending your signal direct to the board for live performance or recording. MIDI in and out are perfect for control of external devices. And the Thru jack sends your unaffected signal to an onstage amp if you choose. An 1/8″ headphone output lets you get all of this power while silently practicing.

  • Fully featured tube electric guitar preamp pedal
  • Designed around the sound of American clean tones
  • 2 blendable preamps are fully footswitchable
  • Free Wall of Sound III software for cab and mic emulation
  • MIDI in and out
  • Effects loop for patching in time-based pedals
  • DI output
  • Unaffected Thru output
  • Headphone output for silent practice


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