Neutral Labs Scrooge Sequence Malfunction Generator Eurorack.
Scrooge is a sequenced malfunction generator, available as a Eurorack module or semi-modular desktop synth. While you can convince it to deliver boomy kick drum sounds, clicky hi-hats or metallic snares, what it really wants to give you is glitchy artifacts, hollow crackles and horribly distorted growls.
It contains a sophisticated step sequencer with parameter locking and the possibility to control all steps across multiple tracks at once. Its 5 distinct and fully analog voices are made up of special circuits that work without dedicated power supplies, scrounging power from the sequencer control signals instead, which gives them an organic and unstable quality.
As a bonus, it means you wont have to power the unit itself if you sequence itfrom external gear.
- Width: 42 HP
- Supply voltage (either): Eurorack 10-pin header: +12V/-12V USB power: +5V
- Current draw (if used in powered mode): Eurorack
- +12V: typ. 75 mA, max. 100 mA
- -12V: unused, 0 mA
- 5V: unused, 0 mA USB
- typ. 120 mA, max. 200 mA
- POKE/MOD inputs: 0V to 12V usable, -12V to 12V max.
- CLK input: >1.8V pulse, -12V to 12V max., 4 or 1 PPQN configurable
- RST input: >1.8V pulse, -12V to 12V max.
- MIDI input: TRS type A (MIDI standard), 24 PPQN
- A/B audio output: 6V peak-to-peak, low impedance, headphone compatible
- VOICE audio outputs: 3V peak-to-peak, high impedance
- EXT output: 0V to 10V, 4 or 1 PPQN configurable
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