DIY kit version of ourSpring ReverbEurorack module.
The kit includes all the necessary parts to make a completed module including power cable and fourof ourbespokeKnurliesM3rack screws.
In order tofacilitate easyassembly all our kits come with hex nuts and not with round nutsseen on ourassembled modules.
Electronically generated audio will usually soundstarkly different to acoustically generated sound.This is more-often-than-not adesirable thing, but there are times when you might want to bring thedepth of an acousticenvironment back into your mix.
The obvious difference between acoustic and synthesised sounds is that acoustic instruments have resonators, and exist in reverberant spaces. One way to add depth to an electronic sound is to somehow simulate the characteristics of a space, and mix this with the original signal.
Reverberation can be defined as the sum of all the reflections created from an initial sound source within a space, at a point within that space, over time.
To simulate this effect we can pass a sound through a spring with two transducers at either end. As the sound propagates it will cause the spring to expand and contract, creating a series of reflections that are picked up by the transducers (along with the original sound). This creates a simulation of reverberation with (in the case of spring of the reverb) a characteristic and classic colour.
- The module has twoaudio inputs both of which can be CV or slider controlled:
IN1 is routed both to DRY mix and reverb tank input
IN2 Goes only to the reverb tank
- The module also has 2 outputs:
WET comes straight from reverb tank
MIX is the mix of DRY signal and the output of reverb tank. It has CV control
- It is possibleto feedbackthe WET signal back into the module via IN2 in either a straight feedback path or after passing through other modules before returning to IN2.
- With the MIX control we can control the amount of reverb and feedback in the mix while maintaining the presence of theoriginal signal.
- The module also features a high-pass filter at the input of the tank to control the color of the reverberation and to tame saturation that may be created in the spring during feedback.
- Finally there is a built-in VU meter connected to the WET output to visualize the level and saturation of the signal.
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