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The Rampage is Befacos approach to an old invention: the Serge/Buchla ramp generator.

We took the idea of a patch programmable function generator/processor, put two units in the same module and expanded them with new functions and ways to combine them: Slope detectors, analogue logic functions and evolved outputs.


  • The module is built around two voltage controlled integrators. Integrators (also known as Lag Processors or Slew limiters) allow you to process your voltages, converting sharp square waves in ramp-like waveforms.
  • These lovely devices can, for instance, convert a gate signal into a simple envelope, or achieve a portamento or glide effect when applied to pitch CV.

-Voltage controlled Attack Decay envelope.

-Attack Sustain Release Envelope .

-More complex ADSR Style Envelope.

-Dual VCO. With Square, PWM, Saw, Log, Exp and Triangle shapes. Hard and soft sync.

-Gated VCO

-VCO + Analog AND Gate (As ADTimbral VCA)

-Dual Low Pass Filter

-Dual Low pass Filter with VCO soft sync.

-Low Pass Filter + AD Envelope

-Dual syncable voltage controlled LFO with Square, PWM, Saw and Triangle shapes)

-Complex LFO . Function combination.

-CV controlled and Ping-Pong LFO.

-Dual Slope detector. Distinguishes when and incoming signal (CV or audio) is rising or falling, and generates gates in concordance.

-Comparator. Send a gate when B IN is bigger than A IN

-Polyrythmic gate generator. With both channels synced between each other, it generates several complex rhythm gates.

-Voltage controlled Slew limiter with independent attack and decay control and continuous variable shape between Log, linear and expo.

-Peak Voltage follower. Max Out follow the maximum Level of the two inputs.

-Minimum Voltage Follower. Min Out follow the minimum level of the two inputs

-Envelope follower with adjustable response for rising ans falling flanks.

-Voltage controlled Trigger Delay .

-Burst Generator.


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