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Compact, but incredibly musical sequencer / quantizer / arpeggiator you name it! Popcorn sequencer embraces the idea of making selection of 8 notes that can be browsed in many different ways. It all just depends on the signals you feed it with. It is incredibly musical when used with rhythm sequencer such as Knit Rider because it has two triggers A and B which will go 1,2,3, or 4 steps forward or backward depending on the settings of the dedicated knobs. You can also address the steps with CV or 3 binary gates. You can use CV to transpose the pitch or transpose it in a quantized way or change minor major settings of the quantizer with gate.


  • CVout selectable range (1,2 or 5 octaves)
  • CVinput with adjustable destination ( transpose, quantized transpose, offset, reset offset, trigger steps, invert steps, random step etc.)
  • Gate OUT
  • Gate Time
  • Gate Active per step
  • Quantizer (chromatic, scales diatonic, pentatonic,blues, chords-7th, 5th, minor/major)
  • Slide Active per step
  • Slide Time
  • trigger A and B for moving thru the pattern each can go 1,2,3 or 4 steps forward or backward
  • Reset Input
  • trigger / reset priority settings
  • dual mode: connect two sequencers to get 16 steps ! (3 different modes)


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