The Syntax Error takes your tones back to the dialup era, when video games were measured by their bits and telephones were wired to your wall. Inside, the primitive sounds of microchips await.
It’s time to blow the dust out of your cartridges and plug in your controllers. Set your modem for 14,400 baud and let the games begin.
Neo Series:
The sonic scientists at Alexander Pedals have been working overtime to cram the most pedal into the smallest box, and we now present the Neo Series! Each Neo Series pedal incorporates an advanced 32-bit microcontroller adding presets, expression, and MIDI capability.
The Neo Series pedals are small but mighty! Imagine having a single pedal on your board that can access up to 4 separate preset tones with a touch of your toe. Connect an expression pedal to “morph” between two distinct settings for each preset for dynamic real-time effects. Or hook up a simple footswitch to trigger a timed “ramp” between those expression settings. Expressive performance technology, right at your feet.
All Neo Series pedals feature a simple yet powerful preset functionality. Hold the bypass footswitch to move the pedal to the next available preset, and the pedal will reconfigure itself on the fly. All knob values and the effect mode settings are recalled, allowing you to set up to four unique tones. Want more presets? Simply connect a MIDI controller to the EXP port on the side of the Neo Series pedal and access up to 16 presets total.
To load a preset, hold the bypass footswitch down or send a MIDI program change from 0-15.
To save a preset, hold the Select button down and then hold the bypass footswitch. The pedal will save the current settings to the current preset.
Any changes you make to the pedal settings will be lost when switching to a new preset unless you save the current preset first, so be careful!
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