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This colourful module is an update on the classic clock divider design, offering even and un-even divisions of 1 to 64 and a unique rotate function to shift the resulting triggers along its eight outputs.

The Rotating Clock Divider (RCD) produces eight divided clock tempos from a single input clock. The divisions range from /1 to /64, including all odd and non-standard divisions such as /3 and /17 and /62. A Rotate CV input re-assigns the division number of each jack, allowing for creative mix-ups and experimentation. A Reset input jack helps to sync/start with an external clock.


  • Divide-by-1 to Divide-by-64, on 8 output jacks
  • CV Rotate jack to shift divide-by amount on each jack
  • CV Reset jack to reset/re-sync all jacks
  • Optional break-out panels to expand functionality (Auto-reset, selectable Divide-by range, Gate/Trigger, Up/Down-counting)


  • Clock Input (5V to 15V clock, rising edge triggered), max 3kHz
  • CV Rotate (0V to +5V input)
  • CV Reset (5V to 15V trigger)
  • Divided Clock Outputs (8 jacks):
    • Divide-by-(1+R)
    • Divide-by-(2+R)
    • Divide-by-(3+R)
    • Divide-by-(4+R)
    • Divide-by-(5+R)
    • Divide-by-(6+R)
    • Divide-by-(7+R)
    • Divide-by-(8+R)

    …where R is the CV Rotation.

  • Selectable Gate/Trigger mode:
  • Selectable Divide range up to Divide-by-64:
    Two jumper pins on the back can be pre-set with jumpers plugs, or used with (forthcoming) breakout panel.
  • Selectable Auto-reset:
    Auto-reset will reset the divide counter every 16/24/32 clocks, which keeps the beats more “dance-able” even when using the “weird” clock divisions (3/5/6/7/9/10/11/etc..) Two jumper pins on the back can be pre-set with jumpers plugs, or used with (forthcoming) breakout panel.

Module size:
The RCD is 4HP and 35mm (1.39″) deep

Power consumption:

  • 5VSEL Jumper set to INT:
    • 33mA maximum power draw from +12V rail
    • 0mA max on the +5V rail
    • 4mA maximum power draw on the -12V rail
  • 5VSEL Jumper set to EXT:
    • 19mA maximum power draw on the +12V rail
    • 14mA max on the +5V rail
    • 4mA maximum power draw on the -12V rail


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