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The Stereo Triggered Sampler is a high fidelity, two-channel stereo sample recorder and playback module. The STS can record high quality stereo files, while simultaneously playing two different stereo files. A maximum of 600 samples can be loaded from the removable/swappable microSD card, in a variety of formats up to 96kHz/32-bit/stereo WAV. All sample parameters (1V/oct pitch, sample file selection, length, and start position) are CV controllable.


A maximum of 600 samples can be loaded at once, arranged into banks of 10 samples each. Samples and banks can be re-arranged on the fly using the simple on-board Edit features. Newly recorded samples can be instantly played back and re-pitched, reversed, chopped up, etc… the result of which can even be bounced down and re-recorded to as a new sample! Sample files are limited to 4GB each, which is over 6 hours at 44k/16b/stereo.

  • Hundreds of samples included on microSD card
  • Extremely quiet, low noise and low jitter design
  • Stereo or Mono operation:
  • Stereo mode: Two stereo files are mixed and played through the L and R output jacks (L+L and R+R)
  • Mono mode: Each file is mixed to mono and output through the channel’s output jack (L+R and L+R)
  • Firmware can be updated by playing an audio file into the STS

Two independent playback channels:

Each playback channel has a knob and CV jack for Sample File selection, as well as a Start Position knob and CV jack for controlling where in the sample playback will begin. The Length knob and CV jack determine how much of the sample is played back: from tiny grains, to percussive hits, to longer loops… or just the entire file. These are powerful tools for re-arranging a sample, joining multiple samples, and creating dynamically re-sized loops within a larger sample. Combined with the Play Trigger jack and the 1V/oct jack, the STS can be two complete multi-timbral pitch-tracked stereo voices!
There’s also a Reverse button and jack for backwards playback, and an End Out jack for synchronizing loops, or cascading sample playback with other events.

Features :

  • Each channel can output in mono or stereo through the shared L/R jacks
  • Play button/trigger jack: Tapping the button or receiving a trigger starts/re-starts the sample
  • When Length is set to “All”, the Play button starts/stops the sample (see System Mode p.21)
  • Sample CV/knob: select which sample within the channel’s bank
  • 1V/OCT CV and Pitch knob: playback pitch (-10 to +4.3 octave range)
  • Start Pos CV/knob: position in the sample to begin playback (loop start point)
  • Length CV/knob: playback time (loop end point)
  • Length knob at max: entire file is played
  • Length knob 50%-99%: 200ms – 5s of the sample is played (beginning at the Start Position)
  • Length knob <50%: Percussive decay envelope is applied to the playback (attack-only envelope if playing Reverse)
  • Length <1%: Tiny grains are played (can be used to sweep through sample file data manually)
  • Reverse button/jack: toggles forward/backwards
  • Bank button: selects channel’s bank
  • Tip: Hold Bank and turn the Sample knobs for fast selection of bank
  • Edit button allows basic on-board editing features:
  • Set loop/trim points with Scrub Start and Scrub End
  • Set Gain (boost/cut from 10% to 500%)
  • Re-organize samples with Next File
  • Move samples around within a bank


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