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DIY kit version of ourHex Mix VCA Eurorack module.

The kit includes all the necessary parts to make a completed module including power cable and fourof ourbespokeKnurliesM3rack screws.

In order tofacilitate easyassembly all our kits come with hex nuts and not with round nutsseen on ourassembled modules.

Hex mix VCA is a compact six channel VCA with an unique response curve range from logarithmic to linear and to exponential using a pot.
All outputs are routed to output six to act as a mixer, with a normalization of each one to remove each VCA from the Mix.


  • Hex mix VCA can act as six independent VCAs as well as a Mixer for all the inputs. Featuring an internal connection to interface with our Hexmix system.
  • Every VCA has a response pot for the incoming CV, being full logarithmic at maximum setup and full exponential at minimum setup, having the linear response in the center position.
  • The pot provides the full range of responses to adequate to our preferred application, such as percussive sounds or panning effects.
  • Level pot of each channel is an attenuator of the signal coming out of each VCA.
  • Jacks are normalized to 10 volts, so when we have no CV present VCA would be fully open and our Level pot will act as a volume.


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