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Product Information

Way Back Machine.

Step on Zelzah, play one chord, and youre instantly taken back to a world of classic phaser tones as they were always meant to sound,perfectly voiced, with tons of vibe.

Vintage 4-stage and 6-stage phasingwith controls that allow seamless transitions tovibrato, gorgeous flanging and chorus, and new sounds never heard beforeallinstantly musical with great toneall the way across every dial.

Two Effects At Once.

Zelzah is actuallytwo different phasers, side by side inone pedal.

Zelzahs 4-stage side gives you a wide array of classic tones ranging from phasing to vibrato and more, while the 6-stage side provides phasing, flanging, chorus, and all points in between.Dial in a chorus on one side and barber pole phaser on other, or a phaser on one side and tremolo on the other.Use the two sides independently or together in a variety of configurations.

Zelzah may becomethe only modulation pedalyou keep on your board.

Choose Your 4-Stage Phaser Sweep.

Barber Sweep

Similar to the visual effect of a barber pole, the Barber sweep is a continuously rising or falling effect that is traditionally done with frequency shifters.

In Zelzah we have used an arrangement of synchronized four stage phasers to produce the effect while maintaining the four stage sound.

Envelope Phaser

Set the Sweep switch to Env and youve got a whole new pedal under your feet.

Now the phaser responds to your picking like an envelope filter/auto-wah would, with the phaser sweep being dynamically controlled by your input signal, creating harmonically complex and very funky sounds.

Classic Sweep

The first Sweep mode is labeled Classic because this is the classic four stage phaser sweep we all know.

In this Sweep mode, a single LFO with a warped triangle shape creates that familiar vintage sound.

Six Stage Voice: Groundbreaking New Phaser Algorithm

The Voice knob on the six stage side simultaneously controls over 30 different parameters, all working in harmony for an inspiring musical experience.

Not only do you get thick, juicy, phasing with pure vintage vibe, but as you turn the Voice knob clockwise, our groundbreaking new modified all-pass structure expands the time response of the cascading all-pass filters seamlessly and continuously, adding spaciousness and airiness to the sound.

Explore a range of fresh musical tones that are not a mix of phasing and flanging, but actually something entirely new. Turn the Voice knob to the right for luxurious true flanger effects, and continue to the far end of the range for lush vintage chorus sounds. There are inspiring musical sounds at every point along the dial, and so many ways to make a sound that is truly yours.

Inspiration4-Stage Mix4-Stage Depth6-Stage Tuning6-Stage ResonanceTrue StereoRouting Options

Vintage Phasing, Even Better Than You Remember.

Our goal was to capture the rich phasing sounds that were introduced in the 1970s that work so beautifully with electric guitar and electric piano.

In addition to providing the best possible version of the vintage phaser sounds we grew up with, we also wanted to expand the sonic possibilities in a way that was unique and unexpected for a phaser.

To do that, we developed an architecture that contains a modified all-pass filter as the basis for the 6-stage phaser.

A phaser is a filtering effect made up of cascading all-pass filters. There are no delay lines. But with our modified all-pass structure, we are able to expand the time response of the all-pass seamlessly and continuously.

On the four stage side, we wanted to provide the classic sounds you expect from a premium four stage phaser, while adding barber sweep and envelope controlled sweep, and a Depth control that is tuned to deliver great phasing sounds even at very shallow settings.

Whats Better Than One Phaser? Two.Zelzah gives you two fully independent, versatile phasers at the touch of a button. Use one at a time, or use both in one of several possible routing configurations. With each phaser having a wide range of control over its tonal characteristics, the possibilities are near infinite with Zelzah

Musical Sounds At Any Settings.

Our team spent months working to perfect each aspect of Zelzahs sound design, making it so that any combination of settings would yield musically useful tones.

Experiment to your hearts content knowing that organic, lush modulation awaits at every setting.

All-Purpose Algorithm.

Zelzah contains modulation multitudes waiting to be discovered.

Our groundbreaking 6-Stage phaser algorithm can take you from vibey vintage phasing to full-on flanging with the turn of a knob. Go even further and achieve iconic chorus tones, all with just one pedal.

Zelzahs 4-Stage side is just as versatile, with everything from classic phasing to warbly vibrato available, and even tones that border harmonic tremolo territory.

Stereo Flexibility.

Zelzah features full stereo in and out capabilities.

It can also receive mono input and still give you stereo output if youd like to use it as the stereo origin point of your signal path.

When using stereo outs, use the Stereo Spread live edit function to increase the stereo spread between your outputs to create a dimensional stereo image with life and movement.

Being true stereo, Zelzah processes incoming stereo signals independently, with the left input being treated to its own 4-Stage and 6-Stage phasers, and the right input also having its own respective phasers.

Pair that with the ability to also process incoming stereo signals in split mode, where the 4-Stage phaser processes the left input only and the right input is processed by the 6-Stage phaser, and Zelzah just may be the most flexible modulation pedal on your board.Expanded Control.Want even more control over Zelzah? Connect an expression pedal and enjoy a whole new level of instantaneous, continuous control. Set as many knobs as you like for the heel position and toe position of your expression pedal, and all settings will simultaneously morph throughout the full range of the expression pedal. If you need more presets, connect a MultiSwitch Plus for three presets available at the press of a footswitch. With full MIDI implementation, you can also control just about every switch, knob, and setting remotely with by sending MIDI commands from your controller or DAW via Zelzahs EXP/MIDI jack or USB-C connection


  • Twoindependenteffects that can be configured and controlled separately and used one at a time or simultaneously inseries,parallel, orsplitconfigurations
  • Vintage4-stage phaserwith three phaser sweep modes:classic,barber, andenvelope
  • Groundbreaking new6-stage phaser algorithmwith a continuous range from classic pure 6-stagephasingtoflangingtochorus, all withadjustable resonance
  • True stereooperation means under the hood each half of the pedal hastwo phasersrunning side by side (two 4-stage and two 6-stage) or in series, with independentlyadjustable stereo spreadfor each
  • All controls arecarefully voicedto producemusically useful soundsat any setting
  • Adjustable input level switch to allow forboth instrument and line level signals
  • SelectableBufferedorTrueBypass
  • Full featuredMIDI implementationvia TRS or USB supporting MIDI CCs, MIDI clock sync, access to300 preset locations
  • High impedance ultra low-noise discrete Class A JFETTRSstereoinput.
  • Low impedanceindependent TS stereo outputs.
  • Expression pedal input allows the connection of aTRS expression pedal,MiniSwitch,MultiSwitch Plus, orTRS MIDIconnection.
  • USB jack forcontrolling via MIDIfrom a computer or for performingfirmware updates.
  • Independenton/off footswitch for each phaser
  • PremiumJFET analog front end
  • Ultra low noise, high performance24-bit 96kHz A/D and D/A convertersprovide uncompromising audio quality
  • 480MHz ARMSuperscalar processor
  • 32-bitfloating point processing
  • 20Hz to 20kHzfrequency response
  • Audio Input Impedance:1M Ohm
  • Audio Output Impedance:100 Ohm
  • Strong and lightweightanodized dark purple aluminum chassis
  • 9V DCpower supply included
  • Power requirements: maximum9 volts DC center-negative, with a minimum of300mAof current
  • Dimensions:
    • 4.5 deep x 4 wide x 1.75 tall
    • 11.4 cm deep x 10.2 cm wide x 4.4 cm tall
  • Designed and built in the USA


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