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Zildjian 5B Drumsticks remain a favorite size among drummers of all skill levels, whether you’re a beginner selecting your first pair of sticks for practice and performance, or a touring veteran needing to re-stock your stick bag. The 5B is a workhorse that delivers a strong sound, and the feel of a little more stick in your hand than a 5A. Its mid-range dimensions include a medium taper and shaft that is well balanced and offers a little extra punch. The DIP material is a special coating available in many colors, that is applied to the grip area of the stick to provide a comfortable, slightly tacky gripping surface. Zildjian 5Bs are a solid choice designed for any style of music.

  • A favorite size among drummers of all skill levels
  • Delivers a strong sound with a little more stick
  • Offers a little extra punch
  • DIP provides a comfortable, slightly tacky gripping surface
  • Designed for playing any style of music


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