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No play in this pedal

Top to bottom, heel to toe, every part of the Yamaha FP9 has been engineered for maximum stability. Ball bearings in the pedal hinge and toe plate, front and rear adjustable spikes, and a flex-fighting under-axle subframe neutralize any side-to-side movement. What’s really unique is the FP9’s Axle-Stabilizing Bearing Chamber (patent pending), which is precisely fabricated to yield a velvet-smooth response between axle, cam, and beater.

Pink color for reference only

Independent pedal height and beater angle

Footboard and beater travel can be independently customized in the FP9. Visual markings on the frame permit repeat pedal height settings from session to session.

Key-adjustable cam response

Three Quick-Adjusting Cam settings in the FP9 allow players to further fine-tune response. From perfectly linear in center position to added power or acceleration on either side of the stroke, the FP9’s adjustable cam serves as the motor for your preferred style of playing.

Self-locking spring tensioner

The FP9’s ergonomic spring tensioner controls pedal resistance from playing position. A self-locking knob, which clicks to lock in both directions, eliminates the lock washers and locking nuts of traditional designs. What it creates is the potential for song-to-song tension adjustments on the fly.

Weighted beater system

Included aluminum (3g) and brass (9g) horseshoe weights clip directly onto the FP9 beater for added weight and heft. Both sizes can have a serious effect on tone and response. Looking for maximum power and authority? Try using both at once.

Yamaha FP9C Chain-drive Bass Drum Pedal Features:

  • Smooth, stable chain-drive single kick pedal
  • Swayless design and sport bike-inspired visuals
  • Quick-Adjusting Cam with three settings
  • Ergonomic self-locking spring tensioner
  • Weighted beater system with removable weights
  • Independent beater angle and footboard height
  • Hinge bearings, front and rear spikes, and Yamaha’s Axle-Stabilizing Bearing Chamber eliminate play
  • Under-axle subframe keeps pedal from flexing
  • Includes nylon strap and carry case


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